File naming for image archives

Walking the morning loop today, this utility post identification and inspection system caught my eye. Materials restricted to the bare economic minimum and eroded by weather, it serves its purpose with pleasing aplomb.
Segue, MR spent some time recently developing the naming system below as we’re planning to organise all of our digital images into the same location. Until now we’ve kept tidy but separate archives.
The system includes provision for:
↳ 2020_05_UK-London
↳ 2020_05_UK-London_GA645_1
↳ 20200510_UK-London_GA645_1-1.jpg (or)
↳ 20200510_UK-London_GA645_MacGuffin-No7_1-1.jpg
↳ 2020_05_UK-London_GA645_2
↳ 2020_05_UK-London_GA645_3
↳ 2020_05_UK-London_XT3_1
↳ 20200510_UK-London_XT3_1.jpg
↳ 20200510_UK-London_XT3_2.jpg