Flights, by Olga Tokarczuk

Flights by Olga Tokarczuk
Flights by Olga Tokarczuk
“She thought about how no one had taught us to grow old, how we didn’t know what it would be like. When we were young we thought of old age as an ailment that affected only other people. While we, for reasons never entirely clear, would remain young. We treated the old as though they were responsible for their condition somehow, as though they’d done something to earn it, like some types of diabetes or arteriosclerosis. And yet this was an ailment that affected the absolute most innocent.”
Olga Tokarczuk in Flights, Pg 398
“…she falls asleep, too fast, exhausted from jet lag, like a lone card taken out of its deck and shuffled into some other, strange one.”
Olga Tokarczuk in Flights, Pg 308